I was recently asked to explain why I get all of my news from Skippystalin. The answer didn't come right away, but later, it did. Skippy loves stupidity the way Michelangelo loved man-ass. And Skippy's muse inspires similarly historic works of art although in prose, rather than sculpture and paint. The following list is my work-in-progress snapshot of the most essential exhibits of evidence in favor of getting all of your news from Skippystalin:
The People Vs. Paris Hilton
Lindsay Lohan is the Greatest American Ever
Some Kind of Monster
Beyond the Valley of the Dolls
A Quiet Peaceful Life: a Portrait in 24 Hours
Your Own Personal Jesus
The New York Times is Wrong and Bernie Brillstein is a Big Meanie
Just You and Me Punk Rock Girl
The list is a work in progress and could use input from others who know where to get all their news and where not to.
I was thinking that this thing had become totally irrelevant with the advent of the new Skippystalin.com url. But, the thing is, there will still be people who are new to Skippy. As I write this, we're gearing up for a presidential election and that has a tendency to dominate the coverage over at Enjoy Every Sandwich. So these links are meant to introduce the new reader.
Lately, when I go out, I'm reminded again of the need for an intro page to this archive. I've had a lot of people ask me "where did you get that phrase 'violently retarded'?" or something to that effect. I got it here, and then I tell those people where they need to go, but I haven't really put the best link starter package together yet. The links above are that package. They're also on the sidebar at the old Enjoy Every Sandwich site.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
For Those About to Rock!
2:16 PM
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